Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Let's make this interesting...

Hello, hello.

I figure my first entry should be a little bit about myself.  I'm Tonya and this Friday I will be graduating from Floirda State University.  Oh, gosh I am so ready to be done with school.  I feel like I been going to school forever now and I just need a break.  Even though I really want a break, I'm scared of what life will be like without school.  Every since I started Kindergarten - school is all I know.

Now my life will be focused on getting a full-time job and figuring out what I want to do with my life.  I know the answer will come to me, but it's just coming a lot slower than I expected.  I'm planning on volunteering at the hospital and elementary school -- talking and just see if I see my "calling". 

As of right now I live in Tallahassee, Fl and after this weekend I will be moving back to Jacksonville, Fl.  Most of my family lives in Jacksonville and even though to most people that would be awesome - for me I am a little bit worried.  I guess we will see how it goes.
My family
(Left to Right- Matt, Angelina, Mom, Alex, Chi Hai (sister), Me, Dad, Tai and Anh Ba (brother))

I do have a boyfriend, his name is Cade.  We've been dating for 2 years now and he's in the Air Force.  Yes, we are doing long distance and it never gets easy.  Dating a guy in the military you have to learn to not make plans and always expect changes.  He's currently deployed (since July) and will be back around the end of January.  He just got orders from Washington to Georgia -- which means he will only be a 2 hour drive!!  We  want to live together, but it will all depend on where I can get a job.  So lets hope I can get one in Valdosta.
Cade and I cheesing

"Distance is not for the fearful, it is for the bold. It's for those who are willing to spend a lot of time alone in exchange for a little time with the one they love. It's for those knowing a good thing when they see it, even if they don't see it nearly enough..."

I love quotes and graphics - so you will see plenty of quotes on this page.  I also picked up "cooking" as my new hobby - so I want to post up my creations on here too.  I'm also going to start projects here and there - so I can't wait to start this new adventure of mine.  I won't be updating much until next week when I'm done with finals. :)